Shahak Global

An international Bar/Bat Mitzvah program that makes the Bar/Bat Mitzvah year meaningful for boys and girls, groups, and families from Israel and around the world.




The Bar/Bat Mitzvah year is a unique and significant time in the cycle of life, marking the beginning of a period in which young people shape their personal, social, and national identities. It is a special opportunity to strengthen the sense of belonging and responsibility of boys and girls to their families, community, heritage, and chain of generations.

The ‘Shahak’ program was founded by the Western Wall Heritage Foundation in 2014 in memory of Lt. Amnon Lipkin-Shahak. For the past decade, it has accompanied thousands of boys, girls, and families in Israel and around the world during the Bar/Bat Mitzvah year, aiming to instill educational and moral values that will provide a joyful, defining, and meaningful experience for the young person and their family that will deepen their connection to their identity

Empowerment Experience Identity Belonging Meaning Family Chain of Generations Connection The Jewish Nation Games Israeli “Hasbara” Responsibility Heritage Group Dynamics Films Escape Boxes vActivities Empowerment Experience Identity Belonging Meaning Family Chain of Generations Connection The Jewish Nation Games Israeli “Hasbara” Responsibility Heritage Group Dynamics Films Escape Boxes vActivities

A journey of

content and meaning

The program is suitable for families, groups, and individuals and includes 8 sessions with a variety of options to choose from:

Family Track

Online sessions on Zoom with a guide and a special activity package delivered personally

Group Track

Sessions at schools, youth movements, and organizations

Individual Track

Face-to-face sessions and an activity package with a guide at home (where possible)

Content of the Sessions

The Shahak Global program, in collaboration with the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs, United Jewish Communities, and Mosaic, produces a unique and tailored program for Jews and Israelis worldwide. In the program, we embark together on a journey of belonging, meaning, and responsibility in the Bar/Bat Mitzvah year.

A festive introduction session with the family, including ice-breaking games and activities. We will explore the uniqueness of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah year and begin to walk together on the journey of maturity and responsibility.

An empowering session where we explore the strengths of the young person and begin to understand the unique qualities and characteristics that will guide them on the marvelous journey of life through games and activities.

An inspiring and emotional session where we encounter the values ​​that exist in every family, passed down from generation to generation. We will focus on the unique family fingerprint, expand on what’s good in the family through shared games, learning, and challenging tasks.

A meeting on the themes of mutual support, volunteer spirit, and unity.  In this session, we will take the strengths, and personal and family values ​​that we have gathered out to the broader circle of the Jewish people. We will encounter the concept of personal and communal responsibility and the world of mutual support, giving, and solidarity, finding how in the Bar/Bat Mitzvah year there is a rare opportunity to take responsibility, do good, and add light. And we will note how all these are values ​​that symbolize the Jewish nation.

A meaningful family meeting where we expand the circle of responsibility and connection to the Jewish people and delve together into the world of diplomacy. We will experience an intriguing and interactive escape room that will provide tools for coping with the increasing phenomenon of anti-Semitism in the world and tools for empowerment and building a rooted Jewish identity.

A unique and exciting meeting in Jerusalem, the capital of the Jewish people – Jerusalem and the Western Wall. Together we will virtually tour the Western Wall Tunnels and unique excavations not yet opened to the general public. In the tour and in Jerusalem, we will encounter the values ​​that have accompanied Bar/Bat Mitzvah boys and girls from then until today.

In this meeting, we will get to know the treasures and symbols of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah year that have passed from generation to generation in the journey of the Jewish people. We will learn about the secret of tefillin and the Torah scroll and do a workshop on scribe-writing a letter in a Torah scroll. Together we will light a candle with Shabbat candlesticks and feel how the past is interwoven with the present, building and strengthening us for the future.

A Bat Mitzvah is an opportunity to connect with influential women from the Jewish and global world and learn from them about the unique powers that pass through the generational chain of the Jewish people and what we can take and learn from them. Starting with Miriam the Prophetess, Queen Esther, Donna Gracia, Hannah Senesh, Golda Meir, and more. Together we will light a candle with Shabbat candlesticks passed from generation to generation.

In this meeting, we will broaden our view and contemplate the chain of generations of the past, present, and future. We will meet with significant events and influential figures in the history of the Jewish people. We will focus on the milestone of the Bar and Bat Mitzvah as a significant link continuing the generational chain of the Jewish people.

A meeting between young Israelis and the Diaspora – a unique meeting that will touch on the connection points of all of us. In this meeting, we will get to know each other, play together, explore our connection, and the strengths that each of us has in the current situation.


Join an empowering global experience for the bar/bat mitzvah year.

Jewish youth around the world celebrate the year of bar/bat mitzvah in connection and values.

Turn the Bar/Bat Mitzvah Year into the Beginning of a Significant and Valuable Chapter

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The program was founded by the Western Wall Heritage Foundation in 2014 in memory of Lt. Amnon Lipkin-Shahak

To shahak israel

נא בדוק את החיבור שלך לאינטרנט